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Code of Conduct

The Stir it! team is dedicated to working towards an exciting, respectful, welcoming and encouraging environment that values people of all backgrounds as part of it. To foster and sustain this, we enforce a zero-tolerance policy on any form of harassment. 
We recognise that people have different expectations and boundaries in social situations, both on and off the dance floor; therefore, to ensure that our community is a fun and safe environment, we ask that all our members, instructors, staff, and event attendees adhere to the following values and policies. The following are a few priorities and guidelines that are deeply important to Stir it!. As a participant of the upcoming edition of the festival, you agree to have read and understood the following guidelines. We expect all participants to read this document carefully and agree with its content. We will take violations seriously, and violations will have consequences.

Contact us:,

Stir it! Care Team

Stir it! 2023 will have a care team this year and an overview of its members will be given at a later time.

Complete Code of Conduct

Short Version

  1. This environment is for everyone regardless of sex, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, ability, mental health status, physical appearance, body, ethnic background, religion (or lack thereof), dance experience, skill or style.
  2. Disrespectful language will not be tolerated.
  3. Anyone can ask everyone to dance and so can anyone decline your request to.
  4. Do not give unsolicited advice to anyone at any point. Only give feedback when explicitly requested.
  5. Take care of yourself and communicate your needs to your dance partners if needed.
  6. Take care of others, apologize when needed and offer care if they need it.
  7. Do not force a dance move or hold and be aware of your dance partner’s needs. Ask clarifying questions if you are unsure.
  8. No airsteps on the dance floor unless you are in a jam circle with enough space and have extensively practices the exact step before with this specific dance partner.
  9. Please take care of your personal hygiene.
  10. Do not arrive at the festival with the intent to flirt or meet someone as this is not the purpose of the festival.
Stir it! is a space for all

This environment is for everyone regardless of sex, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, ability, mental health status, physical appearance, body size, race, religion (or lack thereof), dance experience, skill or style.

Language & Behavior

We do not tolerate exclusionary language at Stir it!. This includes: homophobic, racist, misogynist, ableist, transphobic language, unwelcome sexual language, inappropriate and unwelcoming touching and comments on physical appearance. Harassing language, actions, and imagery in social situations is not appropriate for any event, including dances, workshops, and competitions.
All participants are entitled to enjoy dancing without having to confront unwelcoming behavior, inappropriate or untoward comments or other exclusionary behavior.

Anyone can ask anyone else to dance

Anyone can say no to a dance without obligation or excuse. Remember that your invitation to dance is simply an invitation, and as such, while we encourage you to ask anyone to dance, we completely acknowledge their choice to decline. This person is not required to explain their refusal and we accept the individual’s choice without question.
We love to dance and dancing with a partner should be a shared, pleasurable experience on both ends; therefore, acknowledge and communicate with your partner while dancing. You may make eye contact at times, and smile. After the dance, you may express gratitude for their participation.

Giving Feedback and Advice

At social dances and in the classroom, unsolicited advice to your dance partner is frequently more harmful than beneficial. You should therefore only provide feedback if specifically requested by a partner (or if encouraged by the teacher as part of a session). Important: If your partner is giving you bodily or psychological distress, or if the dance is hazardous in any way, we encourage you to let them know or alert your teacher or a Care Team member or a committee member immediately. In such a case, we encourage you to exit a dance and seek support with peers or staff if you feel compelled to do so.

Self care during a dance

Before you begin dancing with your partner, please notify them of any injuries or concerns that may develop throughout the dance (e.g., particular motions that make you uncomfortable). If someone is doing anything that makes you unhappy, you have the right to tell them to stop, and if they do not, you have the right to end the dance. Obtain the assistance of a Care Team or committee member if a problem remains unsolved.

Care for others during a dance

Everyone is responsible for adapting to the space provided on the dance floor. We recognise that accidents and crashes are inevitable, but before continuing your dance, make sure to apologize and check if the other person or couple is okay or needs support (e.g., ice) or medical treatment before you continue to dance. Apologize if you mistakenly touch a region of your partner’s body that the person considers as private, sexual, or is outside the realm of legitimate holds or connection points.

Do not force a dance move

If you have attempted to lead something and they have stopped or adjusted the move, do not attempt to lead the same move again, as they likely had a legitimate reason for not continuing. Similarly, if you are in a closed position, provide room for your partner to exit the embrace at any point in time. If you are uncertain as to whether your partner is displaying difficulties with a certain part of the dance, be sure to inquire.

No Air Steps on the shared social dance floor

Air steps (Aerials) should only be performed in a performance or jam circle with a partner with whom you have previously studied this exact aerial with. You must also obtain verbal permission from your partner before engaging in deep dips that require your dance partner to commit to a movement that makes it difficult for them to regain balance if you let go, regardless of whether you are dancing as the leader or the follower. If something goes wrong, these types of actions can easily cause harm. Even with authorization, you should only execute these movements if you are confident, you can do so safely and have practiced them beforehand.

Personal Hygiene

Take care of your hygiene before going to class or parties and wear deodorant if needed, as well as appropriate attire and footwear. Additionally, we encourage you to carry a towel, an alternate shirt, and/or breath mints.
Although some of our events may take place in bars or other alcohol-serving establishments, we ask that you do not arrive intoxicated or get intoxicated during the evening if you expect to dance, as this puts you and others on the dance floor at risk.

Personal Boundaries

Partner dancing can be an intimate pastime, and flirtation may develop; nonetheless, you should not attend socials with the express aim of trying to meet someone, as this is not the aim of a social dance event. Do not presume that they are fine with other advances simply because they accepted to dance with you. If you are uncertain whether a person is at ease, you should ask them.
One person’s boundaries may differ from those of another, so if someone tells you that your actions have made them feel uncomfortable, take it to heart and adjust your behavior accordingly, even if others have not expressed similar sentiments.

What happens after a report?

Please be respectful to all other event participants, event staff, venue staff, and event volunteers. Without everyone’s goodwill, a smoothly functioning event is impossible.
If you experience, witness, or hear of a violation of this code, or an instance of behavior that causes you concern, we encourage you to take the following actions:

​​Please speak to a Care Team or committee member if you feel anyone is in any way violating the policies and values above, or if you feel unsafe for any other reason. Alternatively, you can fill in a form (coming soon) where you have the option to remain fully anonymous. Alternatively, you can contact us at or phone number (soon available).

Once we are contacted, we will do our best to find a way to proceed together with the person who contacted us. Rest assured that we will treat your report with confidentiality. A breach against our code of conduct may lead to a warning, being excluded from the event and potentially even being excluded from future events.


If a person comes forward with a complaint, their anonymity MUST be always kept unless they grant permission or not preserving their anonymity would place them or another person at risk.

  • If the law has been broken, we encourage you to contact the appropriate authorities. We will support you to the best of our abilities.
  • The Care Team and Stir it! the committee will keep all complaints in strict confidence. Any Care Team or committee member who discusses the case outside of the concerned parties without permission is subject to dismissal.
  • Once a complaint is lodged, a written record must be compiled and filed permanently, with access restricted to the standing committee and the Care Team. If the person filling out an incident form was not directly involved in the incident (for example, if they are a Care Team member transcribing an oral account), they should only report what they are told and refrain from adding their perspective.
  • Whenever a complaint is submitted, a second Care Team or committee member should be present whenever possible.
  • Care Team members will handle each allegation on a case-by-case basis, and necessary action will be taken based on the facts.
  • If someone violates Stir it! policies and values, they will be spoken to as soon as possible, preferably the same day/night. They will be taught why their acts are problematic and instructed not to repeat them. This will serve as their initial warning.
  • If desired, the individual will also be permitted to provide their interpretation of the events, and their statement will also be recorded. This does not always render the caution issued to them invalid.
  • If the same person is the subject of a second complaint, they will be given a final warning and advised that a third complaint or continuation of their behavior would result in their expulsion from the current event, and if deemed appropriate by the committee, any future Stir it! Festival as well.
  • If a third complaint is filed or a Care Team or committee member observes behavior that violates the Code of Conduct, the individual will be asked to leave the current event (without reimbursement) and if deemed appropriate by the committee, will be disqualified from future events.
  • Care Team members shall assess the duration of the ban based on the severity of the incident(s) that occurred.
  • Before any action is done, ideally at least three Care Team members and/or committee members should agree. However, a consensus is not required for the Care Team members to act.
  • If a complaint about a person is deemed severe (such as sexual assault or hate speech), the perpetrator can be barred immediately, even if it is a first time offense.
  • No matter the event or circumstance, we encourage you to voice your concerns with any Stir it! committee member, at any time. We hope you have a great time dancing at Stir it! and can be a positive and considerate contributor to our celebrations of dance and music of all types.